I thought these type of days where long behind us but this looks all too familiar. The people who live around the repository have been very lucky for the last 8 months. It has been wet and there have been no strong winds to speak of. These conditions have kept down the toxic dust clouds that have plagued the people who live around the area.. Tuesday, we experienced strong winds which are the norm for this time of year and guess what? We have yet another toxic dust cloud to help promote cancer, breathing illness’s and a number of other problems with our daily lives. When is this going to stop? We are getting damned sick of it. Blowing dirt is one thing but this is blowing right out of the ARCO/BP toxic repository. We have many citizens who are on oxygen in and around Toxitunity and they ALL tell me that when these dusts start to blow, they have to leave until they are over or they can’t breathe at all.. What gives EPA? I thought you were on our side? How many more years do we have to deal with this medically unsafe condition? Thanks for ???????