"The folks that care"
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I would like to have the opportunity to help with the toxic soil I just read about in the Billings paper. I represent a company that is making a remediation product that will encapsulate heavy metals, salts and other toxins as well as absorb and remediate petroleum hydrocarbons. I would like to see if our product would work for cleaning your soil. We have a strategic partnership with a soil handling expert that mixes our product in a soil mixer and can clean up to 100 yards of soil per hour with one machine.
If we could obtain a small sample of the contaminated soil that we could do some before and after testing on it would tell us if we could help or not.
We are a small company located in Buffalo Wyoming and our product is made from standing dead lodge pole pine trees. We are discovering more amazing remediation properties of this product almost daily. We have consistently grown grass in brine water from the local methane wells as well as sludge from the local land fill. In fact, there is a violet growing in the window of the office of the Campbell County landfill in Gillette Wyoming that is growing in a mixture contaminated sludge from the landfill and our product.
If you are interested in allowing us the opportunity to help you please contact me at the number below.
Dennis Quenneville
Director of Sales and Marketing
LBI Renewable
Buffalo, WY
307-217-0590 cell
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